Hi AZ,
SnapAmp's peak current limits are not what is used to control the Stepper's Coil Currents. The Peak current limits are only for short circuit protection and such.
SnapAmp outputs have a 10-bit (with sign) setting for current that corresponds to the maximum range of +/-35Amps. So +/-1024 counts corresponds to +/- 35Amps.
So to set for 1.95A set the Microstepping Amplitude for 1.95/35x1024=57.
To reduce the current in half while
idle change the setting to 28.
The differential receivers on SnapAmp use AM26LS32ACD devices. They have a max threshold voltage of +/- 0.2V. There are no termination resistors on SnapAmp's differential inputs. You should be able to tie the unused input to 1.5V. I would include a filter capacitor. Or KFLOP has single ended inputs that you might use. Or you can purchase 3rd party cables/modules to convert single ended signals to differential.